Wednesday, December 3, 2008

At least someone is defending us!

I don't know if you've paid much attention to the Proposition 8 conflict out in California, but here is the Reader's Digest condensed version. In June, the California Supreme court "found" that the state constitution allowed for gay marriages. So, California immediately began issuing marriage licenses and 18,000 gay couples tied the knot over the next five months. Many people in California opposed the idea that five judges should make the final decision on this issue for the millions who live in the state, so they started a movement that eventually got the issue on the ballot in the Nov. election. Come November, the citizens of California voted 52% to 48% to prohibit gay marriage. Well, you'd think the gay rights folks could accept a legal and lawful election, but noooooo. They've been protesting and interrupting various faith's church services and picketing the LDS temples and sending white powder to LDS temples and beating up old ladies while stomping their crosses into the ground, etc. ever since. Last week they picketed the temple here in Dallas, and security personnel had to lock the gates of the temple to keep them out. A bit much don't you think? Today Jonah Goldberg, who writes for National Review (my favorite online political site--I highly recommend it if you are of the conservative persuasion--and even if you're not, it's a good read) stood up for us Mormon folk and his column is quite good. Here is the URL:

I'm not clever enough to figure out how to put links in here; maybe someone can show me someday. Anyway, I was pleased that a nice Jewish fellow stood up for us.

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About Me

I'm a happy wife, mom, daughter, sister, teacher, and friend. I love to read (and read and read and read), talk with interesting people (that's pretty much everyone), and travel. I teach high school and LOVE it!