Thursday, October 9, 2008

Somebody Likes Me!

Today I received an email from my principal which included a letter he received from a parent about me. It was so lovely and wonderful that I just have to share it with you. (Names are removed to protect privacy and confidentiality). The first note is from the principal to the parent, followed by the parent's note regarding me.

Ms. _________

Thank you very much for the positive comments about Ms. Neaves. I agree she does a wonderful job and we are glad to have her working with the students.

Have a great day

Good Morning,

I always like to give appreciation where it is due. So many times parents forget to praise the great teachers but will complain in a heartbeat. My son, _________ is severely dyslexic but with teachers like Ms. Neaves taking that one little extra step to help our children see they can do it makes a world of difference. ______ is my second son that has had Ms. Neaves and I can not praise her enough. I am sure you know she is a wonderful teacher but I have to let you know that she is a teacher that makes a difference in our young adults. _______ has only been in her class for about four weeks now because I didn't want him to be overloaded with AP classes and struggle through another year.
We made the right decision to switch him to her AP class. ______ said he has learned more in that class in the past month he has been in there than he could ever remember learning in English. You have a prize teacher and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it.

Have a great day!

This is the kind of thing that teachers just cherish. I love my students and always hope that I am doing good things for them, but to have it confirmed is so rewarding. I feel absolutely terrific today!!

About Me

I'm a happy wife, mom, daughter, sister, teacher, and friend. I love to read (and read and read and read), talk with interesting people (that's pretty much everyone), and travel. I teach high school and LOVE it!