Two meanings for this post title:
It's so incredibly hot here in Texas already, that I decided my blog needed a cooler background;
The Mavericks are up 3-2 on the Heat and may just win the NBA championship!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A Few Days, But Not All Ten

I thought I might enjoy writing these 10 days of messages, but I find that I don't really want to do day 1. The only thing I can think of to say to 10 different people is "I love you!" and while that is wonderful, it is a bit repetitious. So, I shall move on to the other days, and perhaps complete them all at once. (Perhaps this will help me to kick-start my engine so that I write here on a more regular basis--hope springs eternal....)
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
I love you!
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
I would rather read a good book than do almost anything else.
I love to travel and meet new people and learn new things.
I love poetry, and find teaching it a joy.
I enjoy trying out new foods and being a bit adventurous.
I could spend days watching BBC costume dramas (North and South, Pride and Prejudice, and the like).
I am an Anglophile--a total British history freak.
I can name all the English kings and queens in order from William the Conqueror to the present.
I love teaching! It is more fun than any other job I can possibly imagine.
I'm trying to be like Jesus....every day....
And one more: I love learning--every single day I want to learn new things.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Hmmm....Smile at me
Give me a hug
Share your testimony of Jesus Christ with me
Be kind to my children or grandchildren
Teach me something new and interesting
Tell me about yourself
Share some wonderful food (or chocolate) with me
Share a great book with me
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
I do tend to worry quite a bit about money, but that's not really helpful....
That Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and that they love me all the time
That the gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth and I can learn more every day
That my husband keeps my life fun and lively and interesting
That I have the greatest family ever
That I have wonderful friends
That I have the world's best students
That I have the world's best job
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Oh dear....what can one say in public on this topic....I guess if you know me, you'll have to ask for more details....
Opened the door on that fogged-up car with the lights on
Mistakenly used a poison-ivy leaf for nature's TP
Gotten in a car with an unknown person (but it turned out fine--he just gave me a ride and dropped me off--could have been scary though and it was a stupid move...)
Stuck my foot in my mouth more times that I can possibly remember
Thought unkindly about someone who did not deserve it
Failed to speak up for myself when I should have done
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Not possible to list only five....this list would have to include my immediate family (with all in-laws and significant others), my birth family (again with all in-laws etc), all my Brown family relatives (too many to even count these days), my friends from childhood on (now scattered around the country and including everyone at church), all the students I have ever taught, and all my friends in education (GPISD, BYU, UTA, SMU and everywhere else). And that's just the beginning! I love people; I love meeting people; I love learning about people... If I absolutely had to choose only seven (five is totally impossible) they would be Michael, Julie, Lauren, Kara, Kelly, Shannon and Jamie, but they are just the top of the long list of people I love....
Day Seven: Four turn-offs.
Badly written books (or papers or essays or any bad writing)
Stupid television programs or movies
Disgusting or obscene language
Immodest dress and behavior
Day Eight: Three turn-ons.
Big smiles
Delicious food
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Well, I'm not very clever, so my pictures seem to be loading only at the top of the page....
The first is of the Salt Lake Temple spires above the clouds because I see all of us in that situation these days. The gospel takes us up above worldly cares and troubles and problems, but we are still here and we still have to deal with this world. However, we have light and a view that is incredible.
The second picture is of SMU because I am going to graduate school there and really enjoying it. Remember how much I love learning....well being a teacher and being a student is about the best combination anyone could ever have....
(apparently they have loaded with SMU first and the temple second, but I think you can tell the difference.....)
Day Ten: One confession....Nope, nada... not from me....
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About Me
- Sherry
- I'm a happy wife, mom, daughter, sister, teacher, and friend. I love to read (and read and read and read), talk with interesting people (that's pretty much everyone), and travel. I teach high school and LOVE it!